Tennis》"Bad Boy" Kyrios is back! Come back from injury, warm up with doubles in July and then play singles

Tennis》"Bad Boy" Kyrios is back! Come back from injury, warm up with doubles in July and then play singles

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Choudary said that because the weather this week was quite hot and the training environment was similar to that in her hometown of India, she felt familiar with it, which may have become one of the keys to her personal victory. In addition, Choudary is also very grateful to the many Indian fans who came to cheer her on and helped her persevere to win the final victory.

"It has been 10 months since the surgery, and I will try my best to return to the court." The crazy Kyrgios revealed that he is very much looking forward to the doubles match next month. If everything goes well, he will join the must-win singles and seek a comeback. "I Missing the game, missing hearing the crowd and the fans,娛樂城推薦even the people who hated me, I missed them and I can’t wait to get back.”

Ruibo Enterprise Company has entered its 29th year this year. Chairman Qiu Xixian is from Beidou, Changhua. He has been exposed to soft nets since he was a child. He said: "When I was passing the court when I was a child, I saw adults playing tennis. I felt very interested. I sat next to it first. Look, help pick up the ball. After I get familiar with it, they will lend me a racket to swing and hit the wall. Those adults have received Japanese education and are very strict. It takes about two or three months of practice before they have the opportunity to play against each other. Then we started playing hard net. 娛樂城 I remember that at that time, both our boys and girls played in the Junior College Cup Division B and won the team championship for several consecutive years.”

Although he gradually left the sports circle after graduation, Qiu Xixian still kept Taiwan sports in his heart. Under the recommendation of his friend Liu Zhongxing, the former secretary-general of the Tennis Association, he initially sponsored Taiwanese professional tennis player Wang Jiefu. He only started sponsoring it four years ago. As a nominal sponsor of the Taiwan Youth Tennis Tournament, Qiu Xixian said: "Many companies in Taiwan are saying that they will start giving back to the society when they have money, but when will it be enough? Ruibo is engaged in medical testing. It actually does not use advertising, but based on We will do it to give back to the society and the needs of Taiwanese tennis.”

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